producer is not found

The logic behind PipeTransports for me is that,

You must keep synchronized especially if this is across many servers, the issue many will face is that they pass many messages parallel and they process at different times, as block frees you could find if there were 100 requests they all get handled and responded to at different times regardless of the order they came in.

Media servers should queue each request and complete it before the next and in case of pipe you further the queue for completing produce task when this pipe connects.

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Yes but its like, person 1 may be standing on the left side of person 2, and person 3 on the right side. Meaning that person 1 and 3 wont be hearing each other but person 2 will hear them both.

You can do any way you want to. If the person doesn’t need to hear some persons, don’t consume the audio streams of those persons in that case.

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That’s all up to your signal logic, the server can tell each user who they can consume?

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Yeah okay fair. Thanks so much. @BronzedBroth also thanks.

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