Barrier to implement 4k resolution

I tried 4k resolution (3840x2160) with mediasoup (Broadcast mode 1:N).

  1. One publisher
  2. One subscriber
  3. min fps 8 and maximum 25
  4. Server AWS ec2 c6g.8xlarge (which guaranteed 10 Gbps network bandwidth)
  5. Publisher and subscriber side local network with 150 Mbps bandwidth

Issue is that on subscriber side maximum resolution achieved 1920 x 1080
Any idea where is the issue?
Is there any webrtc limitation?

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We have successfully put througth a 4K Stream with 25Mbit/s using mediasoup. So as a starting point you have to see if you video source does actually produce 4K video. First of all you have to ask the source to get a 4K stream. Something like this:

let stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: { deviceId: { exact: deviceId }, width: { ideal: resolutionWidth }, height: { ideal: resolutionHeight } }} );

If the device does actually produce 4K Video can be checked like this:

let settings = stream.getVideoTracks()[0].getSettings();
console.log(started webcam with width: ${settings.width} height: ${settings.height});

Can you confirm these steps and that 4K Material is coming from the source?