Broadcast with Gst

I followed the official documentation to stream from Gstreamer into Media soup and here is my code:

async function rtpIn() {
plainTransport2 = await mediasoupRouter.createPlainTransport(
listenIp : ‘’,
rtcpMux: false,

await plainTransport2.connect({ ip: ‘’, port: 5560 , rtcpPort: 5561 })
rtpParameters3 = { codecs: [{ mimeType:‘video/vp8’, payloadType:101, clockRate:90000 }], encodings: [{ ssrc:2222 }] }
producer3 = await plainTransport2.produce({ kind:‘video’, rtpParameters:rtpParameters3 });

setInterval(() =>
.then(stats => {
console.log(“producer3 stats”);
}, 2000);


gst-launch-1.0 rtpbin name=rtpbin videotestsrc ! videoconvert ! vp8enc target-bitrate=1000000 deadline=1 cpu-used=4 ! rtpvp8pay pt=101 ssrc=2222 picture-id-mode=2 ! rtpbin.send_rtp_sink_0 rtpbin.send_rtp_src_0 ! udpsink host= port=5560 rtpbin.send_rtcp_src_0 ! udpsink host= port=5561 sync=false async=false

For some reason I keep getting an empty array even after starting the Gstreamer command, any idea if I am doing something wrong from mediasoup side?


please remove

please remove, solved

Hey, having the same issue, any idea how to solve it?