My integration of mediasoup working fine with React.
What I can’t figure out closing the connection properly with server so that I can end call.
This topic makes no sense. Please, make a clear question.
What I meant is I am implementing end call button but don’t know how to close a connection with mediasooup server.
Call close on both mediasoup client AND server side consumer and (potentially) producer.
See the docs:
Then close the transport(s) if you don’t need them anymore:
It’s even better to just close transports. Profucers and Consumers are automatically closed if their transports are closed.
@ibc But doesn’t it will destroy whole room?
Why? I mean: close the client side and server side transports of the “peer” / “participant” you want to close, that’s all.
OK. got it.
hi, I close producer and consumer and sendTransfer and recvieTransfer but ice connection state in connected
how to remove this connection completely?