error on build after installing mediasoup-client


I installed the latest version of the mediasoup-client in my react 16.8.6 app and after running npm start, I am getting the following error

Module parse failed: Unexpected token (111:12)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
|             bundlePolicy: 'max-bundle',
|             rtcpMuxPolicy: 'require',
|             ...additionalSettings
|         }, proprietaryConstraints);
|         // Handle RTCPeerConnection connection status.

I added the import as documented in the mediasoup-client install guide ( )

import * as mediasoup from "mediasoup-client";

I am using webpack but do not have a webpack.config.js

Most likely not related to the mediasoup-client itself, but I am just wondering if anyone ran into this error before.


It’s kinda amazing that you don’t even explain whether you are using React, webpack, or what, and just paste the final error. mediasoup-client does not have any file with .jsModule extension so you are using “something”. You just did not tell it.

sorry about that - I have edited my initial post - did not mean to start off on the wrong foot.

It’s due the .... You need a modern Node version to build it.

Thank you very much for your response. I will definitely look at my Node version. Have a good rest of the day and I hope that all is well.