Help with DirectTransport to capture RTP packets to a file

Hello MediaSoupers,
I am trying to use DirectTransport to save RTP packets to a file for later processing.
Here is the relevant code (I am on Mediasoup 3.10.6) . I am still confused as to what to use on the directTransport.consume as far as rtpCapabilities. If I use the producer’s RTP parameters, the .consume command fails with “invalid ext.kind”. if I use router.rtpCapabilities, it succeeds, but I see the following error on the console over and over. What am I doing wrong???

async localRecToFile(filename,type, producerId,rtpParams){
    //create a direct transport from the router`localRectToFile recname: ${filename}. type: ${type}. producerId: ${producerId} rtpParams: ${JSON.stringify(rtpParams)}`);
    let directTransport = await this.presenterRouter.createDirectTransport();
    let consumer = await directTransport.consume({producerId: producerId, rtpCapabilities: this.presenterRouter.rtpCapabilities, paused: true });
    //create raw file and sdp file
    let sdpString=createSdpText(rtpParams);
    let sdpFile=fs.writeFileSync(filename+'_'+type+'.sdp',sdpString);"localRectToFile sdp:",sdpString);

    //create raw file for writting packets
    let rawFile=fs.createWriteStream(filename+'_'+type+'.raw');
    consumer.on('rtp', (rtpPacket)=>{
             const packet = new rtp.RtpPacket(rtpPacket);
    consumer.on("producerclose", () =>
    {"localRecToFile consumer closed, finshing raw file...");

    //hash this to stop them on recStop

with this code in the console I see:

  mediasoup:ERROR:PayloadChannel received invalid data from the worker process: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input +0ms
  mediasoup:ERROR:PayloadChannel received invalid data from the worker process: SyntaxError: Unexpected token � in JSON at position 0 +1ms
  mediasoup:ERROR:PayloadChannel received invalid data from the worker process: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input +19ms
  mediasoup:ERROR:PayloadChannel received invalid data from the worker process: SyntaxError: Unexpected token � in JSON at position 0 +0ms
  mediasoup:ERROR:PayloadChannel received invalid data from the worker process: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input +20ms
  mediasoup:ERROR:PayloadChannel received invalid data from the worker process: SyntaxError: Unexpected token � in JSON at position 0 +0ms
  mediasoup:ERROR:PayloadChannel received invalid data from the worker process: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input +20ms
  mediasoup:ERROR:PayloadChannel received invalid data from the worker process: SyntaxError: Unexpected token � in JSON at position 0 +0ms
  mediasoup:ERROR:PayloadChannel received invalid data from the worker process: SyntaxError: 

If I use the priducer’s RTP params, I get “invalid ext.kind”

  PTRMediaServer:INFO:Room-5ac778ab1eb3e2287a511ff7 localRectToFile recname: 5ac778ab1eb3e2287a511ff7-06-15-2023__03.09.975_PM-audio__0. type: audio. producerId: 0060acf2-7f27-492f-a60e-66a1c432f2f9 rtpParams: {"codecs":[{"mimeType":"audio/opus","payloadType":111,"clockRate":48000,"channels":2,"parameters":{"minptime":10,"useinbandfec":0,"sprop-stereo":0,"usedtx":0},"rtcpFeedback":[{"type":"transport-cc","parameter":""}]}],"headerExtensions":[{"uri":"urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:mid","id":4,"encrypt":false,"parameters":{}},{"uri":"","id":2,"encrypt":false,"parameters":{}},{"uri":"","id":3,"encrypt":false,"parameters":{}},{"uri":"urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level","id":1,"encrypt":false,"parameters":{}}],"encodings":[{"ssrc":1935285331,"dtx":false}],"rtcp":{"cname":"qE5x0el0W0jjuqAM","reducedSize":true},"mid":"0"} +1ms
(node:96227) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: invalid ext.kind
    at validateRtpHeaderExtension (/Users/srep/Documents/Development/BSConf/ptr_sc_angular/ptr_media_server/node_modules/mediasoup/node/lib/ortc.js:122:15)
    at Object.validateRtpCapabilities (/Users/srep/Documents/Development/BSConf/ptr_sc_angular/ptr_media_server/node_modules/mediasoup/node/lib/ortc.js:36:9)
    at DirectTransport.consume (/Users/srep/Documents/Development/BSConf/ptr_sc_angular/ptr_media_server/node_modules/mediasoup/node/lib/Transport.js:367:14)
    at Room.localRecToFile (/Users/srep/Documents/Development/BSConf/ptr_sc_angular/ptr_media_server/lib/PTRRoom.js:1414:42)

Check if the worker binary launched is of the same version as the node part of the mediasoup server. Someone had a similar problem, and as it turned out, there was a forgotten environment variable in his system pointing to a totally different worker.

Thanks!!! will do… but this is all in localhost on my dev box, and as far as I know it is the same, but will check

also. do you know which rtpparameters to use? the router capabilities or the producer’s (which will make more sense to me)

anyone have done this successfully? (save RTP data to a file) can’t get past these 2 errors.

FYI, after fresh install this now works :slight_smile: