How does mediasoup determine a port is available could running sub-processes along side similar ports be okay?

Not sure how to ask, I apologize and if it’s been asked I apologize further!

I haven’t lurked or discovered how the port mechanism fully works and was wondering a few things specifically.

Can I run a secondary server-app next to the media-soup using similar ports and expect for them to not conflict? Two different apps, is this a problem? I guess this could be asked with pairing two media-soup servers without pipe-transport or workers but separated.

Hope this isn’t asked already and appreciate the help

You can tell a port range to each Worker.
BTW look at PortManager.cpp file if you want details.

I’ll peak that file, I neglected using workers so just individually starting the processes in PM2 one by one.
Would it be bad if each process shared same port ranges? I could make two config files in this case but was wondering but off to peak. TY

Does this answer my question, saw the comment.
// Here we already have a theorically available port. Now let’s check
// whether no other process is binding into it.

So I could just run the one configuration file, give it insane ports and they’ll never bind on eachother goes for any and all processes media-soup or not? :smiley:

I think I like this.

This might be good information to include with the scalability/tricks; saw a few google hits when trying to sort how I’d ask.

Yup, will consider adding that.

So far working flawless, no hiccups. I wanted to be sure and it’s doing well, lots of users are able to join and fill up the site.