Media Soup Client Consumer doesn't show anything

Hi, I’m working on a project for a company and the backend developer uses mediasoup for video streaming and he used one of mediasoup’s example codes.
And I used this example code from mediasoup’s website to implement the client side, but the problem is the consumer doesn’t show anything and I get no errors and consumer media stream seems fine.
I’m using this example code:

And this is consumer and producer streams logs

I’m afraid that pasting an example code and waiting for others to tell you what may happen into your deployment is not gonna work. Read the mediasoup documentation and learn how to debug it.

Hi, thanks for reply, I didn’t just copy and paste the code I changed somethings for exmple our backend developer uses api calls instead of socket so replaced socket requests with api calls and I event wrote the whole code myself from 0 but I still have the same issue, I have my own stream but I get a black video for consumers.
Is it possible that my code is just fine and the backend code is just wrong?

Does DTLS connect and webrtc-internals shows packets sent/received?
Would assume it’s not connecting first, maybe poor signaling (worth a trace), but if you can see yourself and are able to send the producers and the connect signal; I’d maybe think it’s back-end some-how or on the receiving end of how you got consumers on your client.

You can check documentation for debugging there’s a few cool things to check what’s going on. Would recommend too that you are aware of frontend/backend initial development while getting your routes sorted otherwise that’s just confusing, what are they doing, what are you doing? I’d stick close here haha.

Hi , thanks for reply,
Yes it was the backend and it is fixed now.
It took us 12 days to fix this just becasue backend developer wouldn’t accept that his code is wrong.