Mediasoup-client for Flutter

Ladies and Gentlemen, I published mediasoup_client_flutter in;

It works on plan-B and support Android, iOS, macOS.

Currently, I’m working on adding Unified-Plan.

Web support will be after adding Unified-Plan.
For Windows need to add Unified-Plan in flutter_webrtc package.

Any feedback is appreciated!


Super great!

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I think worth adding to GitHub page on mediasoup’s website! :slight_smile:

So great!
Hi, @Blancduman Do you plan to support mediasoup work on Unified-plan native for Android and IOS?

I already made support fo unified-plan. There is bug in flutter_webrtc 0.7.1 which crash android
So, I’m waiting till fix published

After update, unified plan would be available for android, ios, macos, windows and web.

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Hi @Blancduman I’m looking forward to the new update that can work with server edumeet


You don’t need to wait. Workflow should be the same way.

Hi @Blancduman
I have to make an example flutter client for [Edumeet] ([GitHub - thothai94/flutter-edumeet-client: A flutter client for Edumeet conference]). We are using Mediasoup for media processing and for signaling.
Using [Edumeet demo] ( as a video conference server.

  • I have an issue I have just successfully joined a meeting room. But I can not send and receive media streams (audio/video) between mobile client and server.
    Can you help me solve this issue?

Hi, @jack77
Usually, answer to that question:

  • if you using emulator and server on same pc → localhost for android is
  • check if you set annoncedIP to (read mediasoup documentation)
  • check solved issues. Maybe someone already ask that question
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hi @Blancduman, thank you for your mediasoup library.
I have just try to run your Example app with Edumeet server and faced with an issue with screen share feature:

  • Received 2 consumer with the same peerId
  • Play the same video content for both screen share and webcam depend on screen share or webcam produce first

Can you have any advise for this issue?
Thank you.

Hello, @thothai94
Did you modify peer.dart?
Add one more consumer variable for screen share

And check source of video stream when you receiving new consumer. Maybe through appData.

Thank you for your rapidly reply @Blancduman.
I tried both method below, but It did not work, issue still there:

  • Create a new peer for share screen video and do not modify anything in peer.dart

  • Modify peer.dart, add shareScreenRenderer, shareVideoConsumer for share screen video stream

I don’t have much time right now. Send me your environment and I will check it when I have time.

Please take a look at my currently project at: GitHub - thothai94/flutter-edumeet-client: A flutter client for Edumeet conference

@thothai94 sorry for just posting image.
There is some issue. If this “crutch” will work for other platfroms too => I will publish update. But again, when I will have window of free time.

hi @Blancduman, Did you have any update for this issue?

Add some random tail to streamId

Hi master, The same issue,
Thank you suggest a solution, It mind ‘random tail to streamId’ modified via Consumer ???

For flutter screen sharing available or not?