Posting this one in Mediasoup Section.
Wondering if people have encoutred these messages and what they mean
Message Type 1
2021-04-26T15:25:47: 2021-04-26T15:25:47.583Z mediasoup:WARN:Channel [pid:38456] webrtc::BitrateProber::TimeUntilNextProbe() | probe delay too high [next_ms:1515412451, now_ms:1515
Message Type 2
2021-04-26T17:04:11: 2021-04-26T17:04:11.340Z mediasoup:WARN:Channel [pid:38456] RTC::NackGenerator::GetNackBatch() | sequence number removed from the NACK list due to max retries [filter:time, seq:55422]
And this one goes on for a while , found another article which was talking about there being an issue with NACK handling
(mediasoup NACK模块设计_The_Old_man_and_sea的博客-CSDN博客)
Message Type 3
2021-04-26T17:04:14: 2021-04-26T17:04:14.120Z mediasoup:WARN:Channel [pid:38456] RTC::RtpStreamSend::FillRetransmissionContainer() | ignoring retransmission for too old packet [seq:29883, max age:2000ms, packet age:2272ms].
First message is related to probation on sender side BWE, which we are working on replacing.
Second and third are obviously related to NACK handling, self expressive indeed. We don’t have documentation for internal implementation but believe that the log message is expressive enough.
Regarding to the link provided, I don’t seem to have the means to read it in english, I sadly cannot judge the content.
Thank you for responding to the messages , I truly appreciate that I just right clicked on the browser and hit translate in English to convert it from Chinese to English it talks about seemingly their is a race condition . Here is the statement they said. Once again appreciate your help
Potential problems
Mediasoup has a retransmission problem in the case of packet disorder. Mediasoup detects whether packet drops are sequentially spaced according to the packet serial number, so if there is a packet disorder, mediasoup sends THE NACK immediately, but it may actually be very small between the packets to reach the actual interval, just wait a little while, you can form a continuous package, avoid sending NACK.
In this regard, there is a WebRTC-SendNackDelayMs parameter setting in the webrtc that sets the delay time that THEACK sends
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原文链接:mediasoup NACK模块设计_The_Old_man_and_sea的博客-CSDN博客