mediasoup no audio video remote peers

i have local setup for mutiple vuejs applications with mediasoup node server from mediasoup-demo and i have apache server using him as reverse proxy server with vhost to access to the projects and connect them to each others all of them at the same machine

on mediasoup server signaling process working fine but when remote access to room data events triggered but media tracks not working even thier readyState is live and no errors showing at mediasoup server console

i tried to open the required ports at windows firewall also i tried forceTcp
i have noticed ICE candidate grid empty on all nodes

Problem Solved
it was configuration issue thanks to chat GPT

announcedIp should be dns name testing.myDomain.test

Hi, how do you solve this?
I tried to make my local server accessible globally using Cloudflare Tunneling (zero trust), but it only sends a blank video and doesn’t produce any sound. The producer connection state is connected, and the consumer is connected as well.

There is no difference between your configuration and mine. I tried setting my announced IP using a domain, and the IP is my local IP like your method. The result is that the producer state only attempts to connect (not connected) and then fails.

When I use only the private IP and do not set my announced IP, the producer state is connected. However, when a new user joins from the same network, the consumer state is connected, and the video is displayed. But when another user joins from a different network, it will display a blank video.

I wonder if it only receives a blank video because the IP is not accessible publicly. I have also deployed my project using a VPS, and it works fine. However, it’s not working on my local server that I published using Cloudflare Zero Trust.

I hope to receive some insights regarding this because I’m not familiar with this kind of stuff.

Thank you for your reply.