how can I create multiple routers per worker in I only could create a single router per worker; I am using mediasoup for broadcasting live events with ultra low latency
below is my implementation
for (const worker of mediasoupWorkers)
const router = await worker.createRouter({ mediaCodecs });
mediasoupRouters.set(, router);
I got confused with that, in my project the number of consumers grew; I am implementing a website for streaming live events like vimeo, youtube.
I am planning to make the live stream reachable to every one; my question is that how can I scale my routers so that it can accommodate large number of audience?
how can we check we automate the creation and deletion of routers in workers?
Please read the documentation, this question specifically has the whole page dedicated in documentation, take advantage of that and search the forum for numerous similar topics.
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There is a config option in Firefox, “”. However it does not guarantee that everything will work. The most reliable way is to set ip address to ‘’ and announcedIp to the address of some real local interface. I.e., something like:
listenIps: [ { ip: ‘’, announcedIp: ‘’ } ]
(where is just for example).
hello, while trying to host my Livestream website on a remote server I set the announced IP to the public IP address of the server; but I got WEBRTC: ICE failed, add a stun server mediasoup in firefox, and in chrome, the connection states remain on connecting