Mediasoup sent RTP to GStreamer with serious packet loss and card owner problems

Mediasoup sent RTP to GStreamer with serious packet loss and card owner problems,

Mediasoup sent RTP to GStreamer video, there are various types of packet loss and flower screen problems. However, direct transmission and reception through Mediasiup will not cause such problems. Does the boss Mediasoup need to handle RTP to GStreamer separately? Thank you very much for your help.

Sorry, I don’t understand the question.

Hi !
I use Mediasoup as the forwarding, and will transfer the RTP data of Mediasoup to GStreamer for confluence, and then use GStreamer to send it to Mediasoup via RTP for forwarding. But Mediasoup sent to GStreamer there was a card and flower screen problem. I found that packet loss is very serious using the packet capture tool. Do you have any problems like this?