mediaTrack received from the consumer is correct?

Following is the track I received from the consumer.

MediaStreamTrack {kind: 'video', id: '8f957f8e-5b24-493e-9cdf-1eae539f24fe', label: '8f957f8e-5b24-493e-9cdf-1eae539f24fe', enabled: true, muted: false, …}
contentHint: ""
enabled: true
id: "8f957f8e-5b24-493e-9cdf-1eae539f24fe"
kind: "video"
label: "8f957f8e-5b24-493e-9cdf-1eae539f24fe"
muted: true
onended: null
onmute: null
onunmute: null
readyState: "live"
[[Prototype]]: MediaStreamTrack

I ve added the track to the VideoElement as folllows:
video.srcObject = new MediaStream([track])
I ve also called
consumer.resume() in the server side…Yet I didnot get the video on the screen. My question is Am i receiving medaTrack correcly in the consumer? …DId I miss anything

Did you call .play() on video element though?

This will make sure it will start playing automatically:

video.onloadedmetadata = () => {;

Yes. I ve called .play() video element…yet I dont know why its not working…Yet I hope the track received from the consumer is corrrect…thank you for the support

The track is created with the transceiver even before the peer connection is established. You should check WebRTC logs: what really happens with ICE, and is any RTP stream received.

Thanks for the support. It works now…the consumer track received is not sync with videoElement…Actually I wanted to .addtrack() of both audio and video in MediaStream…In Media soup,does it have options to combinedly send video and audio of a single producer?

We write API documentation for something. Please read it.