Can i have several video codecs like this where the only difference is profile-level-id
router: {
mediaCodecs: [
kind: "video",
mimeType: "video/H264",
clockRate: 90000,
parameters: {
"level-asymmetry-allowed": 1,
"packetization-mode": 1,
"profile-level-id": "42001f",
kind: "video",
mimeType: "video/H264",
clockRate: 90000,
parameters: {
"level-asymmetry-allowed": 1,
"packetization-mode": 1,
"profile-level-id": "42e01f",
If the device picks up the profile level id 42e01f (second codec in array) I cannot seem to read the stream from the consumer, the stream is sent with a webRtcTransport.
However, if I change the order of the codecs or remove the first one it works fine.