no significant improvement from opusFec=true option

I compared with opusFec option is true and false when produce audio track, but couldn’t find any significant difference.

Is there anyone who check effect of this option?

please share your testing result. It would be very helpful

What kind of improvement did you expect?
It is just FEC, which I think is even enabled by default, so the only improvement you can expect is somewhat more reliable audio in case of networking issues.

@nazar-pc yes I hope improvement of QoE when network is not good much.
A lot of users using my app reports stability, reliablity problem of playing media. I’m trying to improve stability, but Ihave no idea how to do.
Do you have any recommendations?

You need to find out what is the reason of those issues first. If it is a packet loss - FEC may help, but if it is just networking bandwidth FEC can make things worse instead since it adds redundancy. If you have video alongside audio you may want to tweak priorities for those. I do not think there is a simple answer.


Tweak priority as in setting them in the backend using the mediasoup library right?

Yes, check the docs, it is documented there

One more thing that you can do is have a look at mediasoup-demo’s RoomClient.js file.

You will find something like this:

	optional : [ { googDscp: true } ]

Which is passed when creating the consumer:

this._sendTransport = this._mediasoupDevice.createSendTransport(
						iceServers             : [],
						proprietaryConstraints : PC_PROPRIETARY_CONSTRAINTS

This enables Dscp, which is really good for Qos.

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