rtcMinPort and rtcMaxPort doesn't work

This is my following code.

const mediasoupOptions = {
  // Worker settings
  worker: {
    rtcMinPort: 10000,
    rtcMaxPort: 10300,
    logLevel: 'warn',
    logTags: [
  // Router settings
  router: {
    mediaCodecs: [{
        kind: 'audio',
        mimeType: 'audio/opus',
        clockRate: 48000,
        channels: 2
  // WebRtcTransport settings
  webRtcTransport: {
    listenIps: [{
      ip: config.ipMediaSoup,
      announcedIp: config.ipPublicMediaSoup
    enableUdp: true,
    enableTcp: true,
    preferUdp: true,
    preferTcp: true,
    maxIncomingBitrate: 1500000,
    initialAvailableOutgoingBitrate: 1000000,

But transport params is over of range like imageUntitled

I need help to use only 300 ports for 300 devices. My company is not allow to open big port range from 10000-59999!

  worker = await mediasoup.createWorker(mediasoupOptions.worker);

Sorry i forgot to import options when createWorker.
Now i have a new question: “if rtc port range 10000 to 10300, will rtc port return from mediasoup server can be duplicate?”

Why are you opening this topic in mediasoup-libraries category if you are just using the mediasoup-demo app?

No im not write it for demo, i write new app for my product

No, it will throw if there are no ports available.

Thanks, so it will not use the port if it is already in use

So if I have 300 devices, I just need to open 300 ports for them. This really helps me.
Thank you all for developing mediasoup