Scenario: ffmpeg publisher → mediasoup SFU server → chrome web page receiver
Previouly i tried the command from RTP (II): Streaming with FFmpeg - Kurento below:
ffmpeg -re \
-i video.mp4 \
-an \
-c:v copy \
-f rtp \
-sdp_file video.sdp \
But it does not work, mediasoup server log indicates that it seemed web page receiver send a RTCP PLI for keyframe, but blocked since ffmpeg command line did’t response correctly
But this is NOT the case, i use the new command to do RTP push stream successfully(code in nodejs):
const callRTPStreamPushCmd = `ffmpeg -re \
-i ${input_mp4_filepath} \
-v info \
-codec copy \
-bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -an -deadline realtime \
-map 0:v:0 \
-f tee \
The key point here is: mediasoup server requires SSRC and PayloadType paramters from publisher client, which i really don’t get the reason behind this: because in Janus streaming demo, I only need the videoRtpPort to do RTP streaming push. (SSRC and PayloadType should be bound to rtp port in service-side config, and no need to require client to pass in)
But since mediasoup requires this, the publish url “rtp://…” has to put a […] prefix string which contains the SSRC and PayloadType paramters, and due to this, i have to use the ffmpeg -f tee
output format and -f tee
further requires a -map 0:v:0
That’s it.