Task: Promise.then ; Value: UnsupportedError: cannot produce video

const connectSendTransport = async () => {

const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true });
const videoTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0];

producer = await producerTransport.produce({
  track: videoTrack,
  encodings: [
    { maxBitrate: 100000 },
    { maxBitrate: 300000 },
    { maxBitrate: 900000 },
  codecOptions: {
    videoGoogleStartBitrate: 1000,

I keep running into this error Unsupported error cannot produce video

What I am I doing wrong help would be much appreciated :grinning:

When Device.load was called, routerRtpCapabilities did not contain any codec of the kind ‘video’.

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