It seems to happen less frequently on 3.11.8 which we upgraded from. But it still seems to occur.
Some users can receive video fine, while others will be freeze-frame, for a while, and sometimes recover, sometimes they don’t.
We’re using VP8 with the following config:
return [
maxBitrate: 120_000,
maxFramerate: 18,
scaleResolutionDownBy: 4,
scalabilityMode: "L1T2",
maxBitrate: 350_000,
maxFramerate: 24,
scaleResolutionDownBy: 2,
scalabilityMode: "L1T2",
maxBitrate: 1_500_000,
maxFramerate: 24,
scaleResolutionDownBy: 1,
scalabilityMode: "L1T2",
The logs hint to a possible problem here:
2024-07-17T21:28:08.125Z mediasoup:WARN:Channel [pid:33] RTC::SimulcastConsumer::SendRtpPacket() | cannot switch stream due to too high RTP timestamp extra offset needed (8370), requesting keyframe
2024-07-17T21:28:09.094Z mediasoup:WARN:Channel [pid:33] RTC::SimulcastConsumer::SendRtpPacket() | giving up on proper stream switching after got a requested keyframe for which still too high RTP timestamp extra offset is needed (8370)
also around the same time, huge BWE changes:
2024-07-17T21:30:39.323Z mediasoup:WARN:Channel [pid:33] RTC::TransportCongestionControlClient::MayEmitAvailableBitrateEvent() | high BWE value decrease detected, notifying the listener [now:0, before:1889066]
2024-07-17T21:30:35.601Z mediasoup:WARN:Channel [pid:33] webrtc::AlrDetector::GetApplicationLimitedRegionStartTime() | large delta_time_ms: 3001, forcing alr state change
Any direction would be appreciated.