Using the latest mediasoup 3.14.8 we're seeing constant freezes with simulcast.

It seems to happen less frequently on 3.11.8 which we upgraded from. But it still seems to occur.

Some users can receive video fine, while others will be freeze-frame, for a while, and sometimes recover, sometimes they don’t.

We’re using VP8 with the following config:

return [
        maxBitrate: 120_000,
        maxFramerate: 18,
        scaleResolutionDownBy: 4,
        scalabilityMode: "L1T2",
        maxBitrate: 350_000,
        maxFramerate: 24,
        scaleResolutionDownBy: 2,
        scalabilityMode: "L1T2",
        maxBitrate: 1_500_000,
        maxFramerate: 24,
        scaleResolutionDownBy: 1,
        scalabilityMode: "L1T2",

The logs hint to a possible problem here:

2024-07-17T21:28:08.125Z mediasoup:WARN:Channel [pid:33] RTC::SimulcastConsumer::SendRtpPacket() | cannot switch stream due to too high RTP timestamp extra offset needed (8370), requesting keyframe

2024-07-17T21:28:09.094Z mediasoup:WARN:Channel [pid:33] RTC::SimulcastConsumer::SendRtpPacket() | giving up on proper stream switching after got a requested keyframe for which still too high RTP timestamp extra offset is needed (8370)

also around the same time, huge BWE changes:

2024-07-17T21:30:39.323Z mediasoup:WARN:Channel [pid:33] RTC::TransportCongestionControlClient::MayEmitAvailableBitrateEvent() | high BWE value decrease detected, notifying the listener [now:0, before:1889066]

2024-07-17T21:30:35.601Z mediasoup:WARN:Channel [pid:33] webrtc::AlrDetector::GetApplicationLimitedRegionStartTime() | large delta_time_ms: 3001, forcing alr state change

Any direction would be appreciated.

(Solved on latest)

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