Why the opus audio sampling rate only supports 48000

		kind         : 'audio',
		mimeType     : 'audio/opus',
		clockRate    : 48000,
		channels     : 2,
		rtcpFeedback :
			{ type: 'transport-cc' }

Why the opus audio sampling rate only supports 48000 in supportedRtpCapabilities.ts,
I need to support 44100HZ

Opus doesn’t support 44100 and mediasoup has nothing to do with that restriction.
See Add Support for 44.1 kHz · Issue #43 · xiph/opus · GitHub and numerous other discussions as well as official Opus spec.

In practice you probably don’t need 44100, just use 48000.

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Thanks a lot!

Long story short, you want to utilize 48Hz as the standard these days no matter what. Up-sampling can occur and no distortion; we use 48Hz now because few instruments proved to use the freq range. Our voices on the other hand don’t come in at a level of say a saxophone so we won’t ever notice a difference for voice recording 44.1 vs 48 or higher…

Stick with what works for all and that would be 48Hz right now. :slight_smile: If they use 44.1 they up-sample.