Build Failed on windows

8 Errors for every build from the same error below

 TRACKER : error TRK0005: Failed to locate: "CL.exe"

8 Warnings for every build from the same warning below

 warning MSB8003: The VCToolsInstallDir property is not 
defined. Some build tools may not be found.

warning and error on cmd screen

/* I tired to search for the error and the warning and try the solutions i found but it didn’t work out so i don’t know if i have to install some components for my visual studio ( 2019 community version) or how can i solve that */

Did you check open issues related to Windows?

i checked some but i didn’t find any issue related to my issue but the good thing i tried to update CL.exe path in windows environment and it solved the error but there’s a new error shown to me any help for that ?

No idea, sorry, I don’t use Windows. Hope others can help. And if you find the issue and the fix, please report it to mediasoup GitHub via PR.

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You should Build mediasoup with VS 2017 !!!
I have built successfully several times on windows with VS 2017

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vs2017 is ok, just a few syntax errors need to be fixed.