Sometimes I get this error and wonder if you have some ideas on how to troubleshoot it. Everything went well until this point and multiple other audio channels connected without a problem.
+00:00 ERR:"\"newConsumer\" request failed"
__Error: Failed to execute 'setRemoteDescription' on 'RTCPeerConnection': Failed to set remote offer sdp: Failed to set up demuxing for m-section with mid='8'.
This was the incoming request:
"id": 2791747,
"acks": {},
"request": true,
"method": "newConsumer",
"data": {
"uuid": "3c8e397f4d3549d988a6c76cbccd8821",
"producerId": "ef8d7a17-1fd0-45a7-b0ef-3abaf4b76021",
"id": "91d410b9-73c5-40ef-b71b-0389445078ce",
"kind": "audio",
"rtpParameters": {
"codecs": {
"0": {
"mimeType": "audio/opus",
"payloadType": 100,
"clockRate": 48000,
"channels": 2,
"parameters": {
"minptime": 10,
"useinbandfec": 1,
"sprop-stereo": 1,
"usedtx": 1
"mid": "8"
"type": "simple",
"producerPaused": false