I am trying to make a group video chat prototype , Everything seems fine when there is only 2 users in a room.
As soon as 3rd person joins his stream got transfered to other 2 people in the room but he does not recieve any of the stream.
After debugging i found out that for the 3rd person server is sending muted tracks.
Thanks for you reply, The issue was related to sockets. When a 3rd guy join the chat the browser request producers from the server and then one-by-one it start consuming the media (The issue was here it was making 2 consume request almost at the same time, so i added a 0.1 seconds delay and it worked fine).
Yeah you’re dealing with a synchronous issue. You could have 50 people asking to view broadcast handler 1000 and let’s say 20 of these people get a connection but broadcast suddenly stops. The pending 30 requests coming in for that broadcast to view it will be null/unidentified events.
Do be sure that you understand what happens when 10,000 requests come in all at once, there’s no specific order and it gets chaotic quickly.