How does WebRtcServer detect to what WebRtcTransport proxy the connections?

I have search on Mediasoup code several times, but didn’t get any clue where to continúe. On Mafalda SFU I would like to have a “virtual” WebRtcServer that can proxy other real WebRtcServer instances, so i can proxy the incoming requests to the real WebRtcServer instances and their WebRtcTransport one. I think i would need to parse some field in the raw RTP packets, some ID that can tell me what’s the WebRtcTransport is trying to Connect, but can’t find anything? Any clue where in the code is this implementes, or some spec i can read to look It myself?

The WebRtcServers indexes UDP and TCP connections based on client’s ICE username an server side password, then it learns the origin protocol, IP and port tuple and matches received SRTP, SRTCP and DTLS packets based on those tuples.

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I have seen something like that in the code, thanks to confirm :slight_smile: i’ll do a search on that topics and put here what i found :slight_smile: