Hello! I have quite strange problem and hope for the help.
I’m using mediasoup for videoconferencing and found that Safari v14 on Macos
won’t play H264
video provided by Chrome or Firefox. I got only blank content in <video>
element. At the same time Safari gives me correct rtpCapabilities against h264 and consumer was created successfully.
Here is the config on mediasoup server:
"codecs": [
"kind": "audio",
"mimeType": "audio/opus",
"clockRate": 48000,
"channels": 2
"kind": "video",
"mimeType": "video/h264",
"clockRate": 90000,
"parameters": {
"packetization-mode": 1,
"profile-level-id": "42e01f",
"level-asymmetry-allowed": 1,
"x-google-start-bitrate": 1000
I’ve tried to check it using mediasoup-demo
app and got the same effect: blank video.