Mediasoup installation issue - Ubuntu 20.04 | node 16.13.1 | pip 21.3.1 | Python 3.8.10

already Installed Latest apt version or pip version ninja,meson,setuptools,pip3
mediasoup-3/worker $ make

file installed directly from github repository

# *Updated pip and setuptools are needed for meson*
# `--system` is not present everywhere and is only needed as workaround for
# Debian-specific issue (copied from
#, fallback to command without
# `--system` if the first one fails.
/usr/bin/python3 -m pip install --system --target=/media/tech/New Volume/Backend/mediasoup/mediasoup-3/worker/out/pip pip setuptools || \
	/usr/bin/python3 -m pip install --target=/media/tech/New Volume/Backend/mediasoup/mediasoup-3/worker/out/pip pip setuptools || \
	echo "Installation failed, likely because PIP is unavailable, if you are on Debian/Ubuntu or derivative please install the python3-pip package"

  /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install [options] <requirement specifier> [package-index-options] ...
  /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install [options] -r <requirements file> [package-index-options] ...
  /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install [options] [-e] <vcs project url> ...
  /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install [options] [-e] <local project path> ...
  /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install [options] <archive url/path> ...

no such option: --system
ERROR: Invalid requirement: 'Volume/Backend/mediasoup/mediasoup-3/worker/out/pip'
Hint: It looks like a path. File 'Volume/Backend/mediasoup/mediasoup-3/worker/out/pip' does not exist.
Installation failed, likely because PIP is unavailable, if you are on Debian/Ubuntu or derivative please install the python3-pip package
# Install `meson` and `ninja` using `pip` into custom location, so we don't
# depend on system-wide installation.
/usr/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade --target=/media/tech/New Volume/Backend/mediasoup/mediasoup-3/worker/out/pip  meson ninja
ERROR: Invalid requirement: 'Volume/Backend/mediasoup/mediasoup-3/worker/out/pip'
Hint: It looks like a path. File 'Volume/Backend/mediasoup/mediasoup-3/worker/out/pip' does not exist.
make: *** [Makefile:64: meson-ninja] Error 1

Only pip3 out of those are actually needed, the rest will be ignored, check installation requirements in documentation.

Try to run in the directory whose path doesn’t have whitespaces, that might be the reason here.

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> After Mediasoup Changing File Location
maybe all dependencies installed properly

but getting some error of C Language in terminal while installing

Collecting pip

Executing subproject WARNING: Project targeting '>= 0.58' but tried to use feature deprecated since '0.56.0': meson.source_root. use meson.project_source_root() or meson.global_source_root() instead.
Build targets in project: 23
WARNING: Deprecated features used:
 * 0.56.0: {'meson.source_root'}

ninja: Entering directory `/home/tech/Desktop/bharat/video/mediasoup-3/worker/out/Release/build’

‘executing command: make clean-subprojects -C worker’

Deleting Packages packagecache fiels

up to date, audited 525 packages in 11m

80 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

5 moderate severity vulnerabilities

To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
  npm audit fix --force

Run `npm audit` for details.

I see no errors, just warnings :slightly_smiling_face:

Created an issue to track and fix this behavior: Fix installation under path with whitespaces · Issue #753 · versatica/mediasoup · GitHub, thanks!

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