Puppeteer Chrome inside Docker not connecting to mediasoup inside Docker

The issue I’m facing is related to this scenario:

  • Mediasoup Server using webRtcServer deployed on docker container on a Ubuntu Server.
  • Puppeteer Headfull using xvfb deployed on docker container on the same server (to render a page only with consumers to be able to record to video/audio file)

The issue is related to the docker connection to mediasoup server. If I place as described before the docker containers on the same server, the puppeteer webpage is not able to create the consumers properly.

But if I deploy the mediasoup docker or the puppeteer docker on different linux servers is working just fine. Only does not work when the 2 containers are deployed in the same machine.

Any idea of what can be happening?? With mediasoup “3.7.6”, and without the WebrtcServer usage it was working fine.

Kind regards!