Hi friends, I am facing issue running mediasoup on server using bun.
How to reproduce:
$ bun run mediasoup.ts
import * as mediasoup from "mediasoup";
const main = async () => {
const mediasoupWorker = await mediasoup.createWorker({
logLevel: "debug",
logTags: [],
rtcMinPort: 60000,
rtcMaxPort: 60010,
output with error:
30 | super();
31 | logger.debug('constructor()');
32 | this.#producerSocket = producerSocket;
33 | this.#consumerSocket = consumerSocket;
34 | // Read Channel responses/notifications from the worker.
35 | this.#consumerSocket.on('data', (buffer) => {
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this.#consumerSocket.on')
at new Channel (/www/mediasoup/node_modules/mediasoup/node/lib/Channel.js:35:8)
at new Worker (/www/mediasoup/node_modules/mediasoup/node/lib/Worker.js:111:24)
at /www/mediasoup/node_modules/mediasoup/node/lib/index.js:32:19
at createWorker (/www/mediasoup/node_modules/mediasoup/node/lib/index.js:27:30)
at /www/mediasoup/mediasoup.ts:4:32
at main (/www/mediasoup/mediasoup.ts:3:13)
at /www/mediasoup/mediasoup.ts:12:0
at processTicksAndRejections (:55:76)
Mediasoup version: 3.12.13
Bun versions: 1.0.3 & (1.0.4 canary) - tested with both
Bun node version: 20.8.0
Thank you a lot for your super fast response.
Maybe you can assist me on which node api’s does mediasoup rely in current example, so I can interact with bun developers and help them to port it and make mediasoup available using bun as well?
Ok, in Worker.ts we create an instance of Channel:
this.#child = spawn(
// command
// args
// options
env :
// Let the worker process inherit all environment variables, useful
// if a custom and not in the path GCC is used so the user can set
// LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable for runtime.
detached : false,
// fd 0 (stdin) : Just ignore it.
// fd 1 (stdout) : Pipe it for 3rd libraries that log their own stuff.
// fd 2 (stderr) : Same as stdout.
// fd 3 (channel) : Producer Channel fd.
// fd 4 (channel) : Consumer Channel fd.
stdio : [ 'ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe' ],
windowsHide : true
this.#pid = this.#child.pid!;
this.#channel = new Channel(
producerSocket : this.#child.stdio[3],
consumerSocket : this.#child.stdio[4],
pid : this.#pid
So the problem is that this.#child.stdio[3] and this.#child.stdio[4] are undefined in Bun, meaning that they do not properly support the Node spawn() API, which BTW I think it’s an already known Bun limitation.
Hi all,
For information, I tried with latest version of bun and this issue no more occurs.
I think bun’s documentation is not up to date or functionality is not yet fully supported.
Mediasoup demo still not work on bun probably because of incompatibility between bun and websocket library used internaly by protoo.