I’m trying to get DataChannels working here. On the server I create two transports 1 send/1 receive. Like so:
await this._mediasoupRouter.createWebRtcTransport(
listenIps: webrtcTransportConfig.getListenIps(),
enableUdp: !forceTcp,
enableTcp: true,
enableSctp: true,
numSctpStreams: sctpCapabilities.numStreams,
preferUdp: true,
appData: { producing, consuming, sctpCapabilities },
SctpCapabilities has the required data in it. In the client when the ProducerTransport becomes connected I call a function which tries to create the DataProducer
await producerTransport.produceData({
ordered: false,
maxRetransmits: 1,
label: 'chat',
priority: 'medium',
appData: { info: 'chat-data-producer' },
This then returns the following error UnsupportedError: SCTP not enabled by remote Transport
Any ideas if I’m doing something wrong.