Segmentation fault when trying to install mediasoup within docker

I installed arm64 node and it didn’t work for me. Here’s my Dockerfile:

FROM arm64v8/node:17-alpine3.12

RUN apk update && \
    apk add g++ make py-pip net-tools iputils iproute2 curl

After this I try to install mediasoup via npm and it throws the Segmentation fault error:

Confirmed that node is the arm64 version:

> node -p process.arch

Thanks again for your work making this great tool!

And what the meson log shows (in worker/out/Release/meson-logs/)? It seems that the fault has happened either in the middle or right after the openssl source download, and its compilation didn’t even start.

First of all, have you tried regular non-Alpine image?

And if you use Docker you probably want to have regular x86-64 image too. If it is something Alpine-specific then we’ll have to investigate that specifically, I didn’t test it yet.

The problem was my docker setup, it wasn’t using the node arm64 image. Once I installed that it worked. Thanks for your help!

Note: Tried it on alpine and that failed with these errors: Error installing mediasoup on alpine linux in plain_text (argxh6ig) - tried installing linux-headers as suggested in another thread here but that didn’t work, no biggie. I am a happy camper. Thank you!

Yeah, you just seem to be missing some headers on Alpine by the looks of it