Hello, I have created a video conferencing application in mediasoup which works absolutely fine on localhost.
But I need to deploy it on render but services on render cannot be accessed by IP address, as answered by them:
Hi Aditya,
Services on Render cannot be accessed by an IP address. They must be accessed by a domain name, either the automatically provided sub-domain on the .onrender.com domain, or a Custom Domain of your own.
I tried to set announcedAddress to process.env.RENDER_EXTERNAL_URL
, which basically is the subdomain through which I can access the express app.
listenInfos: [
protocol: "udp",
ip: '',
announcedAddress: process.env.RENDER_EXTERNAL_URL
protocol: "tcp",
ip: '',
announcedAddress: process.env.RENDER_EXTERNAL_URL
But this doesn’t work either and as a result, the audio and video are all blank.
Does anyone have any solution as to how can I fix this?
Note, this project: https://mediasoup-sfu-webrtc-video-rooms-kuv2.onrender.com/ is a fork of the example on discourse docs GitHub - Dirvann/mediasoup-sfu-webrtc-video-rooms: A simple video conferencing example using the mediasoup sfu