V3-Screen Share: No video on consumer


Mediasoup v3 Server & Client latest builds:

  • Getting Stream using getDisplayMedia for screen/appl sharing
  • Followed doc guidelines & demo code
  • Transport, Producer, Consumer are created on Server & Client
  • ScreenShare Video is shown on sender side but not on Receiving/consumer

How can I debug further?
Appreciate of any inputs.


  1. My Solution is based on Nodejs + AngularJS. A working solution with v2
  2. Transpiled Mediasoup Client v3 for es5 and used in the webapp
  3. Added debug for node server. Not sure how to add debug for Client.

Check the video consumer.getStats() (in server and in viewer browser) to see what’s happening.

Screen sharing works in the mediasoup demo, you can take a look to it.