vp9 on safari ios

Hi all. I’m trying to support vp9, on Chrome, it works fine, but when I go to Safari via iPhone, it gives the error desired VP9 codec+configuration is not supported. But I checked the demo version, it works fine, I added the parameter forceVP9=true. what am I doing wrong? I added VP9 to the media server and even put it first after audio/opus I don’t know what to do, please help

The screenshot below shows that I get VP9 through Chrome Windows. But when I open it through Safari it gets VP9 with getRouterRtpCapabilities but after mediasoupDevice.load it loses it. As far as I know, iOS Safari has support for VP9 at the WebRTC level. ("vp9" | Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc). Should I somehow indicate that this is a WebRTC application or how I don’t understand