Demo Server Config and System Parameters

Hi, guys. We’re trying to use mediasoup for our video conferences. We’ve deployed the demo project on our server to test it. When we tested some videos have lagged. But if we’ll test on your public demo, everything will great.
Could you share system parameters of your public demo (e.g. CPU count, server location, etc) and server config of the demo app?

Or maybe if you have any idea why the demo app is lagged on our server we’d be happy to hear them.

Could you share system parameters of your public demo (e.g. CPU count, server location, etc) and server config of the demo app?

No idea on the CPU count and the server location but the config used by the mediasoup demo app is:

Or maybe if you have any idea why the demo app is lagged on our server we’d be happy to hear them.

Could you check if you are blocking inbound UDP ports on the server?
Is CPU usage/load average high when the videos start lagging?