joined the meeting, but both sides could not see the video

my friend joined the meeting, but both sides could not see the video,Is there a problem with my configuration file?
The configuration file is as follows:

 * This is not the "configuration file" of mediasoup. This is the configuration
 * file of the mediasoup-demo app. mediasoup itself is a server-side library, it
 * does not read any "configuration file". Instead it exposes an API. This demo
 * application just reads settings from this file (once copied to config.js) and
 * calls the mediasoup API with those settings when appropriate.

const os = require('os');

module.exports =
        // Listening hostname (just for `gulp live` task).
        domain : process.env.DOMAIN || '',
        // Signaling settings (protoo WebSocket server and HTTP API server).
        https  :
                listenIp   : '',
                // NOTE: Don't change listenPort (client app assumes 4443).
                listenPort : process.env.PROTOO_LISTEN_PORT || 4443,
                // NOTE: Set your own valid certificate files.
                tls        :
                        cert : process.env.HTTPS_CERT_FULLCHAIN || `${__dirname}/certs/`,
                        key  : process.env.HTTPS_CERT_PRIVKEY || `${__dirname}/certs/`
        // mediasoup settings.
        mediasoup :
                // Number of mediasoup workers to launch. Object.keys(os.cpus()).length
                numWorkers     : 1,
                // mediasoup WorkerSettings.
                // See
                workerSettings :
                        logLevel : 'warn',
                        logTags  :
                        rtcMinPort : process.env.MEDIASOUP_MIN_PORT || 40000,
                        rtcMaxPort : process.env.MEDIASOUP_MAX_PORT || 49999
                // mediasoup Router options.
                // See
                routerOptions :
                        mediaCodecs :
                                        kind      : 'audio',
                                        mimeType  : 'audio/opus',
                                        clockRate : 48000,
                                        channels  : 2
                                        kind       : 'video',
                                        mimeType   : 'video/VP8',
                                        clockRate  : 90000,
                                        parameters :
                                                'x-google-start-bitrate' : 1000
                                        kind       : 'video',
                                        mimeType   : 'video/VP9',
                                        clockRate  : 90000,
                                        parameters :
                                                'profile-id'             : 2,
                                                'x-google-start-bitrate' : 1000
                                        kind       : 'video',
                                        mimeType   : 'video/h264',
                                        clockRate  : 90000,
                                        parameters :
                                                'packetization-mode'      : 1,
                                                'profile-level-id'        : '4d0032',
                                                'level-asymmetry-allowed' : 1,
                                                'x-google-start-bitrate'  : 1000
                                        kind       : 'video',
                                        mimeType   : 'video/h264',
                                        clockRate  : 90000,
                                        parameters :
                                                'packetization-mode'      : 1,
                                                'profile-level-id'        : '42e01f',
                                                'level-asymmetry-allowed' : 1,
                                                'x-google-start-bitrate'  : 1000

                 webRtcServerOptions :
                        listenInfos :
                                        protocol    : 'udp',
                                        ip          : process.env.MEDIASOUP_LISTEN_IP || '',
                                        announcedIp : process.env.MEDIASOUP_ANNOUNCED_IP || '',
                                        port        : 44444
                                        protocol    : 'tcp',
                                        ip          : process.env.MEDIASOUP_LISTEN_IP || '',
                                        announcedIp : process.env.MEDIASOUP_ANNOUNCED_IP || '',
                                        port        : 44444
                // mediasoup WebRtcTransport options for WebRTC endpoints (mediasoup-client,
                // libmediasoupclient).
                // See
                webRtcTransportOptions :
                        listenIps :
                                        // ''是内网IP,不能填0.0.0.0,在本机测试部署的时候也不能填127.0.0.1
                                        ip          : process.env.MEDIASOUP_LISTEN_IP || '',
                                        // 公网IP,目前没用到,看到有下面两种写法,可以自己尝试
                                        // 1)announcedIp : ''
                                        // 2)announcedIp : process.env.MEDIASOUP_ANNOUNCED_IP || ''
                                        announcedIp : process.env.MEDIASOUP_ANNOUNCED_IP || ''
                        initialAvailableOutgoingBitrate : 1000000,
                        minimumAvailableOutgoingBitrate : 600000,
                        maxSctpMessageSize              : 262144,
                        // Additional options that are not part of WebRtcTransportOptions.
                        maxIncomingBitrate              : 1500000
                // mediasoup PlainTransport options for legacy RTP endpoints (FFmpeg,
                // GStreamer).
                // See
                plainTransportOptions :
                        listenIp :
                                // ''是内网IP,不能填0.0.0.0,在本机测试部署的时候也不能填127.0.0.1
                                ip          : process.env.MEDIASOUP_LISTEN_IP || '',
                                announcedIp : process.env.MEDIASOUP_ANNOUNCED_IP || ''
                        maxSctpMessageSize : 262144

Check if your receive transport is connected

where can I see it?can you tell me more details? thanks.

Look for a “connected” state

Sounds like you have not fully unblocked the ports that are required. If you run media-soup with blocked ports and/or bad configuration it’ll appear this way that all sides don’t see eachother but the transports and tracks are loaded.

As mentioned above you can check connect state on transport client level, or you can at a server level check to see if DTLS connects.

Configuration looks fine.

thanks,but my iceState is ‘new’,i don’t know how to change it.

consumer info: