Does mediasoup transcode?

Client receives network video rtmp source, h264 encoding, why the received video is vp8 encoding?
I do not understand, I hope I can give pointers, thank you!

Hard to understand your question.

Your title: Does mediasoup transcode?

No, mediasoup server does not transcode. Please read the docs and the FAQ before making easy questions.

Client receives network video rtmp source, h264 encoding, why the received video is vp8 encoding?

I don’t know how to parse this sentence, sorry.

client produer, set up an rtmp source (h264 encoding)

const stream = await this._worker.getUserMedia({
      video: {
        source: 'url',
        url: ‘rtmp://’

    const track = stream.getVideoTracks()[0];
    this._producer = await this._transport.produce({track});

But the video stream received by my consumer is vp8 encoded,I don’t understand why it’s not h264 encoding.Is this clear? Very sorry for my expression.

Because that’s how it must work. No matter how the source codec is, you are telling mediasoup-client-aiortc to encode it in VP8 (that the codec you configured first in mediasoup Router).

Please read the docs of mediasoup.

It turned out so, thank you very much!!