Host participant roles:

I am integrating mediasoup into my project, both on the server-side and client-side. I would like to understand how I can leverage the capabilities of mediasoup in my application, particularly in the context of implementing Host and Participant roles. As the host should have the authority to grant permissions such as allowing, removing, or muting participants, could you provide guidance on how to achieve this functionality effectively within the mediasoup framework?

All of these things are app specific features and not related to mediasoup framework. With mediasoup you can send/receive streams in SFU way and that is it. How someone joins a call and who is authorized to join the call and who is participant and who is host all of these things can be implemented anyway you want.

If you are saving meeting details in db then do check with server before someone joins the call and based upon the data from db you can decide whether someone need to be participant or host.

You will already be using nodejs server to handle mediasoup and probably sockets as well. So if a person is host and if he wants to remove someone from call then simply send a socket event to server or api request and remove the user from that call from server i.e close all his stuff and notify him on socket event that he has been removed and close the stuff from client side as well.

This can be done in any way you want.

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But for mute and unmuting video or audio, there are options available in Mediasoup?

Yes you can pause producers, consumers to achieve this.

One way to do is that whenever host wants to mute someone you send the socket event to the other user and on his side when event is received you mute him, like the same way user would have muted himself.

But the better one is to pause/resume producer, consumers on server side first and notify the user that you are muted by host.

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Please read the mediasoup docs instead of asking what it can do and watch it cannot do. No, mediasoup is a low level library. You design you app as you wish and use it.