How to create multi producer?

I have read the documentation of mediasoup. I find that to create multiple producers, it is necessary to create multiple corresponding routers. Is this true? Or maybe create more producers in the same router

You can create more producers using the same router.
(Simulcast is an example of this)

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This has an effect on the performance of mediasoup?

A very marginal increase in CPU usage.
It wouldn’ really effect performance, unless the CPU used is already close to 100%

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You can think about router as about room many consumers and producers are in. That allows media to flow between those and naturally multiple consumers and producers are supported there.

Simulcast is a bit different though, it is one producer with multiple tracks and scalability modes inside of it.

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Thank for your answer

Already answered. However, can you point to the exact text in the docs that say that multiple Routers are needed to have multiple Producers?

I think one router include one producer and multi router => Producers

why? where in the docs you read something like that? just trying to understand.