How to get data from mediasoup-worker consumer

Hello, I’m integrating mediasoup-worker into my graduation project and I’m using transport.consume to get rtp stream but encountered a problem confusing me for a few days. I have read documents but cannot solve the problem.
These are my requests:

publisher write message to mediasoup:

mediasoup write message to publisher:

publisher write message to mediasoup:

mediasoup write message to publisher:

publisher write message to mediasoup: 161:{“data”:{“listenIp”:{“ip”:“”}},“id”:4,“internal”:{“routerId”:“router-test”,“transportId”:“consume-transport-id”},“method”:“router.createPlainTransport”},

mediasoup write message to publisher:

publisher write message to mediasoup:

mediasoup write message to publisher:

When I using commands below to push and pull rtp stream, I failed.
push command:
ffmpeg -re -i test.h264 -vcodec copy -f rtp rtp://

pull command:
ffmpeg -thread_queue_size 10240 -protocol_whitelist “file,udp,rtp” -i recv_sdp -vcodec copy -y pullVideo.h264

o=urtc-client 1552531492341837152 2 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=video 19598 RTP/SAVPF 96 97
a=rtpmap:96 H264/90000
a=rtpmap:97 rtx/90000
a=fmtp:97 apt=96
a=rtcp-fb:96 nack

failed reason:
[udp @ 0x7faea74221c0] bind failed: Address already in use
recv_dsp: Invalid data found when processing input

How should I got rtp stream from mediasoup-worker?Thanks!

I’m not super familiar with the ffmpeg use-case, but I would suggest focusing on the failed reason:
[udp @ 0x7faea74221c0] bind failed: Address already in use

Start by troubleshooting networking issue (see below) and go from there.

Yes, the problem is really here. But the port is obtained by mediasoup, I don’t know which port should I get rtp stream from.

So I think you have mediasoup setup to listen for RTP on both pipetransports. Your push ffmpeg command had a destination set but your pull command does not - presumably it’s setup to listen. So there might be a listen bind conflict between mediasoup and ffmpeg. I would suggest investigating the directionality of your RTP (I’m not too sure how you want this to work).

Thank you! I have solved the problem. I made two mistakes before.
1st: When calling transport.produce, data.rtpParameters.encodings[0] should have field ‘ssrc’, which should be obtained in ffmpeg push command.
2nd: transport.consume’s comedia should be false and then transport.connect ought to be called,which contain the port where mediasoup would send.