I am looking for recommendations on how I could connect Unity3d webrtc stream to mediaSoup and whether that is a viable use case.
My use case is broadcasting from a Unity3d app to around 100 passive participants. What I have working scales to about 8 players who can actively participate and collaborate. I now want to add observers.
I had assumed I could have our C# unity app connect using WebRTC to a SFU and that the SFU would just act like any other client but that would then forward the stream to a number of participants. My hope was that the SFU would allow webbrowsers to negotatiate a connection with it, it would say it supports the codec that is being forwarded, and that a 100 browsers could get that stream from the SFU. After reading some of the documentation, I don’t think I have this picture right and was looking for pointers in the right direction.
Do people that communicate with meidaSoup have to integrate a javascript client?
Is mediaSoup not the right technology for such a usecase?