Issue when moving from Plan-b to unified plan

I am using mediasoup v2 in my application.
Now chrome stopped supporting plan-b based rtc connection… I changed plan-b into unified and it working fine but sometimes it throwing these errors
"Failed to set remote offer sdp: Media section has more than one track specified with a=ssrc lines which is not supported with Unified Plan. Failed to set remote offer sdp: Media section has more than one track specified with a=ssrc lines which is not supported with Unified Plan. "
“Track not found”

mediasoup v2 is not supported since 2018. Please upgrade.

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Thank you!
I am already working to upgrade application to v3 but that takes 1-2 months more to make new application stable…
For now i applied this solution to v2… (May be useful if someone facing same issue)
I generated the Origin-Trial token at
By this way i got time till may 2021 to keep plan-b working with mediasoup v2
I added this token in meta tag in app web page.

<meta http-equiv="origin-trial" content="TOKEN-HERE">

Basically this token extend the deprecation deadline of RTCPeerConnection with plan-b.

Everything working fine in chrome ( windows and android browser) but not working in android app webview.