Mediasoup as multiple broadcasting endpoint

I’m afraid this is the Leeryver Symptom (in Spanish “Leer-y-ver”, in English: “Read-and-see”):

“I never check the logs when things go ok so, when things are not ok I check the logs for first time and assume that the first warning/error log is the cause of the problem.”

Old versions of GStreamer are buggy when it comes to inspect some RTCP packets. But that’s not related to the problem you have.

I don’t know what you mean with “The first video goes perfect, the problem is with another one”. Unclear if you are sending two videos using the same GStreamer process or two different processes.

I have two different GStreamer processes. The first one goes perfect, the followings are not

Well, actually when nothing helps, it’s time to suspect every suspicious log message

Honestly no idea why the second one does not work, but it cannot be related to mediasoup.

One more question: should every GStreamer process use different rtp and rtcp ports?

await rtpVideoTransport.connect({
  ip: '',
  port: 5004,
  rtcpPort: 5005,

Please, tell me that you are creating a separate PlainTransport in mediasoup for each GStreamer and not just one for both. The doc is there: mediasoup :: API

Sure!! I create a new PlainTransport after new connection. The problem is I don’t understand, should I use different ports or not

I don’t understand the question. You launch two gstreams so each one will bind in two different ports, and you need two PlainTransports, and you need to call transport.connect() with the binding IP and port of its associated gstreamer.

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Thanks! That was It. I’m quite new at video streaming at all, so I called transport.connect() for every plainTrasport with the same rtp and rtcp ports. That is the issue with the black screen!

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