More demos required

I know it is an OLD discussion we had and you put some github links to some projects (mostly of them are ms2) but I still believe you should provide small demos and not 1 single huge (and great) conference system.

Putting some snippets make people understand it better than 1 whole complex project

I wish I could contribute and help people. But I guess 90% of people are unable to do it.
I think MediaSoup is great compared to Janus, Kurento and Wowza : it is nodejs based… but is also very complex to handle compared to these solutions.

I hope v4 will be more “blackboxed” so we can only use it with some API calls.

I kinda of disagree sorry, the demo is a great resource and as a software dev you need to invest time to dig into it and learn how it works. I’m not sure if the authors can spend time doing more granular examples to the community. I think it should be the other way around.

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I want to do less, no more. Feel free to convince others to make those demos.

I promise it won’t be that way, but the opposite. Nothing planned yet for any v4 version anyway.

I agree with you.
However, many dev. are just picking some simpler solutions and do not have time to invest.
They do take ready to go solutions (that are paid) like opentok, apirtc, wowza…

I did not really expect different answer anyway.

Users are free to choose whatever they feel ok with. Others may even take mediasoup, build a more high level product with it and offer it as paid PAAS service. We just provide people with a low level library that allows that.