Probator PLI


When I enable chrome logging I see a lot of these logs :] No decodable frame in 200 ms, requesting keyframe.

I see in chrome://webrtc-internals that pliCount is growing infinitely but from the probator stream (RTCInboundRTPVideoStream_1234).

Is there any problem on my side or is it expected ?

And I don’t yet know if it’s related but I have also these logs :

[93482:82947:0202/] Attempting to get RTP parameters for the default, unsignaled audio receive stream, but not yet configured to receive such a stream.
[93482:82947:0202/] Attempting to get RTP parameters for the default, unsignaled video receive stream, but not yet configured to receive such a stream.
[93482:82947:0202/] Attempting to get RTP parameters for the default, unsignaled audio receive stream, but not yet configured to receive such a stream.

The full logs looks like this :

[93482:82947:0202/] Attempting to get RTP parameters for the default, unsignaled audio receive stream, but not yet configured to receive such a stream.
[93482:82947:0202/] Attempting to get RTP parameters for the default, unsignaled video receive stream, but not yet configured to receive such a stream.
[93482:82947:0202/] Attempting to get RTP parameters for the default, unsignaled audio receive stream, but not yet configured to receive such a stream.
[93482:82947:0202/] No decodable frame in 200 ms, requesting keyframe.
[93482:82947:0202/] No decodable frame in 200 ms, requesting keyframe.
[93482:82947:0202/] No decodable frame in 200 ms, requesting keyframe.
[93482:82947:0202/] No decodable frame in 200 ms, requesting keyframe.
[93482:82947:0202/] No decodable frame in 200 ms, requesting keyframe.
[93482:82947:0202/] Attempting to get RTP parameters for the default, unsignaled audio receive stream, but not yet configured to receive such a stream.
[93482:82947:0202/] Attempting to get RTP parameters for the default, unsignaled video receive stream, but not yet configured to receive such a stream.
[93482:82947:0202/] Attempting to get RTP parameters for the default, unsignaled audio receive stream, but not yet configured to receive such a stream.
[93482:82947:0202/] No decodable frame in 200 ms, requesting keyframe.
[93482:82947:0202/] No decodable frame in 200 ms, requesting keyframe.
[93482:82947:0202/] No decodable frame in 200 ms, requesting keyframe.
[93482:82947:0202/] No decodable frame in 200 ms, requesting keyframe.
[93482:82947:0202/] No decodable frame in 200 ms, requesting keyframe.

Thanks for you help

This is far from any question related to mediasoup.

mediasoup doesn’t provide a custom probator ?

In any case, I’m here because I’m using mediasoup and looking for help… Isn’t it the purpose of this forum ?

Do you have the same logs in chrome ? In this case, you’re right the question is probably better on chrome forums.
Or should I worry about my implementation ? In that case, I’d appreciate some help finding out what might be causing these logs that do not look good :grin:. Or maybe just tell me where I could find some informations about probation because google doesn’t give any result

mediasoup sends probation video RTP packets over a stream with SSRC 1234, so yes, that’s expected.

The thing here is whether you also see those logs or not when using any WebRTC application. Most probably they also show up.

My concern was that your initial post didn’t even clarify whether you are using mediasoup, so I didn’t know :slight_smile:

Oh ok my bad.

Thanks for your answers. Why the probator stream generates PLI ? Is it part of the protocol ?

There is no way to tell an endpoint “hey this is just a probation RTP stream so please ignore it” so it’s expected that the endpoint requests PLIs to the sender (mediasoup) since such a stream doesn’t contain any valid codec payload.

Ok thanks for the explanation