something weird in consumer.getStats()

This is a graph of ssrc value over time
I exacute producer.getStats(), consumer.getStats() method periodically in my server.
The first and third lines from the top are originated from consumer.getStats().
consumer.getStats() sometimes gives a wrong values.(Please ignore the numbers on x-axis)

The graph above is packetsLost over time.
PacketsLost cannot decrease because it is cumulative.
I guess consumer.getStats() sometimes gives stats of wrong media stream. But I have no idea why this situation happens fundamentally.


Packet loss can decrease because a lost packet may be later recovered due to retransmissions.

Thanks to reply! It makes sence.
But how can I understand graph below? It is also graph of packetslost

It would be helpful if you could open an issue in github and provide this graph (or another showing this behaviour) along with the stat info objects used to represents the graph points.

Ok I will. Thanks!