iOS / Swift wrapper for Mediasoup client


We build a communication platform (server + Web / iOS / Android client apps) based on Mediasoup. While application itself is proprietary, we’ve been using open-source solutions extensively. Regarding iOS client, our first versions were built around @ethand91’s libmediasoupclient wrapper. Although there were some issues, it was a good starting point. We’ve managed to fix several bugs that seemed most critical for our application and added couple of features we’ve missed:

  • fixed some crashes
  • fixed some memory leaks
  • added codec factories management
  • added TURN servers support

So we’ve lived inside a fork for some time. But С++ / Objective-C nature of this solution never looked good in a pure Swift project. Not only because of the API style, which could be solved by hiding all the Objective-C into one more layer of abstraction with Swift protocols and enums. There were inherent problems that could be solved only by complete redesign of the C++ to Objective-C bridge itself. First of all, C++ code can throw and all exceptions should be propagated up to the Swift code and never cause the app to crash.

Finally we’ve decided to rewrite all the wrappers (C++ to Objective-C and Objective-C to Swift) from scratch and publish them, so here is our Mediasoup-Client-Swift wrapper. General idea was to make libmediasoupclient look native in Swift project and as safe as possible (in terms of crashes, exceptions handling and type-safety).

This solutions already runs in our production app and we would like to see more apps using it!


Sorry for the super late response. Libs added in the website: mediasoup :: GitHub


@fedulvtubudul and @ibc
I appreciate your efforts and work in these libraries, I am trying to use this swift one, and able to create send transport. From my side audio and video are going to other web app. But receive transport is not working and delegate methods are never getting hit.

Would really appreciate and will be grateful if you can give some direction if I am doing it wrong or is there any step I am missing here.

This is my problem:

I can provide further details if you need. Thank you so much and looking forward to hear from you.